Sunday, April 4, 2010

AR Project Website

As I think about my Action Research Project and the completion of the website I'm thankful I stayed on top of it throughout the year. I found it hard to keep up and focus on the class I had each month, but fortunately I pushed myself at the beginning so that now it's basically done which takes the pressure off. In looking over my research and the overall project I realized I forgot to ask several questions in my survey with my students about my website and I will have to get that done on Monday after Spring Break. I've been very pleased with the survey results as I combined the three surveys from my three classes for my second cycle.


Roxy said...
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Roxy said...

Mark, I understand where you are coming from. At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed with the thought of working on my Action Research Project while staying on top of my monthly classes. Whenever I had the opportunity to breathe from my monthly assignments, I would jump right into my ARP so that I would not fall behind or lose focus. I think as we all look back, we are amazed by what we have accomplished over the past few months and yet still managed to nearly complete our ARP. I know I am!

jbb said...

great job. Make sure to mark your blog entries by the week number that you want them to be counted towards. That way I know that you intended this entry to be the first one for week 2 or the last one for week 1...