Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 2 blog 6 response to Jen Kubeczko

I agree with you that if we don't start changing the way we do things in school the students will lose. In watching that video I saw so much authentic learning going on and engagement. I didn't see a bunch of students sitting in a classroom in rows disengaged as the teacher is droning on. They were creating an assignment that had a purpose and were excited about what they were doing. The old ways are not preparing them for the 21st century and isn't that what we're supposed to be doing, or is it just get through our curriculum and test them. Not at all!

Collaborative Curriculum -MAC Wk1 Free Choice
Posted by: rebrand3d on: April 14, 2010
In: Leadership| MAC| education Comment!
I recently watched this video from Edutopia, which is my favorite organization for inspiring innovation and change in education. Thoroughly thrilled by the idea of kids creating and utilizing multiple intelligences, skills, talents, creativity, across multiple disciplines. Check it out:

Now, I know there’s a huge debate right now over assessments and testing and standards. But what struck me about this video is that a comment is made that the standards students are held to today will not hold up tomorrow. Technology is changing the world of these digital natives faster every moment. How can a number two pencil compete? How can assessment tests even compare to this type of result. They can’t. Change must happen, and if we don’t do it soon, students will lose out on the benefits of a free-range education.

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