Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 4- blog 1 Art of Possibility

The idea of “being the board” brings on many possibilities. The best would be not falling into the downward spiral that brings everything down. At the same time, trying not to take the blame or pointing fingers is a hard thing to do because we are conditioned to do that.

Imagine if a vision was designed with the thought of the possibilities. The idea of looking towards creativity and building goals and objectives off of that would be fabulous. I have found so many administrators that have very little vision. They continue to put out fires, but nothing moves forward due to the lack of vision.

I cannot help but think of the We story of the United States. As he says on page 183 “the story of the unseen threads that connect us all, the story of possibility.” That’s what our founding fathers saw in their vision of America. They saw the connection of the threads and the possibilities for America. That’s what they built our Constitution on.

In conclusion, I have been challenged and at times overwhelmed as I read this book. At the end in the Coda I was challenged to choose what to do. My vision is to look for the possibilities around me and not get overwhelmed and fall into the downward spiral.

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